Tao Martial Arts

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The Tao and Martial Arts

The practice of martial arts is usually related to it as a combat discipline. It is also associated with armies and dynasties that relate in their history the survival of man against man in the same sense.

The martial arts in its oldest historical reviews were written in Iran under the Achaemenid dynasty, in the V and VI centuries before our era where it is told about a style of combat art called “Zur khanek” which means “deception – force” of which there are still traces. Likewise in other regions or continents there were defense systems, namely in: Greece, China, Japan, Korea, India among others the appearance of these defense systems that were given by the need to protect life as a result of banditry and oppression of government systems against the people.

We make this account of the martial arts as a defense mechanism that is the external part and this approach is not ours. Within the Universal Tao Krística Church, the practice of martial arts professes an important number of principles and practical elements for daily life that in the current world of martial arts have been called “DO” which is the same as saying path, way, philosophy or way. It refers then to that part or complement that gives life to the spiritual, to the development of virtues and / or principles that model the positive behavior in the human being through the practice of any style of martial arts these same within the church Tao Krística Universal, inspires us to bring the historical memory of the existence of the Great Bodhi Dharma (the one who knows the laws of life) 440 – 535 D. N.E. He was the 28th Indian patriarch who founded the meditative school of Chan in China (Chan in Japanese is Zen) with his great knowledge created a system that would be used for self-defense.

It was in essence the application of the mental concentration of Zen meditation and yoga to the scientific study of fist strikes, a new system that allowed the adept to learn not only martial arts but also to achieve the fusion of mind and body and to reach harmony with nature. Mechanics that would lead to develop “a mind like that of Buddha”, the control of breathing taken to the practice of martial arts carried as “Ki – ai” breath of the spirit, allows the body to approach the supreme power of what the Japanese call “Universal Breath”.

In such a way that the practice of martial arts within the Universal Tao Krishna Church has the same purpose that the human being provides health to his body, mind and spirit in the wide practice of the great DO which is the way or path with which the adept learns principles of healthy living, the DO is the whole component of recommendations that the Universal Tao Krishna Church proclaims as to mention some among the many we have: * Eating in an orderly way in punctual schedules that allow the body to fulfill a healthy digestive process, * How to breathe in the best way that allows the purification of our blood, * Taking into account the energetic cardinal points of the planet that govern us to harmonize with nature, * The scientific management of the seminal essence “Ching Chi” that awakens in the human being great spiritual and supernatural goodness giving way to a better awareness of the essence of living, *The conscious knowledge with which the practice of martial arts is projected leads the adept to internalize principles and values of respect for oneself, others and life which highlights an exemplary model as a practitioner of the different martial arts, * Through the practice of specific exercises and a conscious common mind to achieve the programming of transient genes that help the human being to positively modify the behavior turning defects into virtues. We reiterate that there are many more recommendations or elements that make up the so-called “DO” which are adaptable to any modality of martial arts and the Universal Krística Church in his teaching raises them in a practical and logical way that make educated people both physically and spiritually. reason why within the bases of the Universal Tao Krísticaistica Church is based on the practice of martial arts of different lines as a way to facilitate human integration with itself.

It is also based on the practice of martial arts which can also serve in fortuitous moments to defend and protect life, as a way to achieve the internal balance that gives the student the mastery of himself and as an art the development of motor skills, improvement of intellectual, mental and spiritual level as already mentioned.



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