Biography Master Kelium Zeus

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Brief Biography

Kelium zeuz induzeus

Luis Gustavo Morales Sierra was born on March 14, 1941 in El Cocuy, a municipality at more than 2700 meters above sea level in the eastern Colombian mountain range; his parents, Luis Alfonso Morales Montenegro Monteblanco and Tránsito Sierra, belonged to a remarkable family from the province of Gutiérrez in the department of Boyacá.

In the union of the recent couple, the offspring was guaranteed, whose birthright would correspond to an extraordinary being that from the womb signaled changes, such as those felt by Mrs. Tránsito, who after some months of pregnancy became more sensitive and began to perceive sensations and sudden emotional reactions before some events that forced her to reach a certain conclusion or decision. As the months went by, the intuitions became more frequent until an interpersonal communication was established with her son in which he would tell her even the most elementary things, such as the discomfort she felt in her ear when she scratched her abdominal wall to relieve the itching, or about the most beneficial feeding regimen during and after pregnancy.

This fact led her to the evident discernment that one does not necessarily have to follow a rational path to construct concepts about truth, but that this is a knowledge obtained from the singular experience of dialoguing with a being that from the womb possesses divine qualities and attributes granted by God.

To the haven of peace, as the capital of Gutierrez is known, violence also arrived a few days after the child turned eight years old. War broke out in the capital and spread to various sectors of the national territory with the formation of armed groups based on the principles of authoritarianism, militarism and partisanship, whose objective was to assassinate and banish people and civilian leaders not affiliated with the sectors of power.
The deafening detonations could be heard throughout the village, which reduced the school facilities to rubble in a matter of minutes, a day after Luis Gustavo had started the school day with the purpose of learning the first rudiments of writing.

This was the first of a series of atrocious acts committed against the civilian and peasant population, such as massacres and expulsion from their regions in order to dispose of their properties. This is what happened to the Morales family, who had to flee for their lives.
Others occupied their farms, took everything from them and left them in misery.

The family was completely disintegrated, nobody knew anybody and Luis Gustavo was helped in the upbringing by Epifanio and Monagas: two people who were not from the sector, nobody knew where they came from; they could not say it either because they had hearing limitations and speech disorder which, from being circumstantial due to the panic of the massacres and the bombings, became permanent; they were sunk in a silence which they kept until the day of their deaths.

After some time and after many vicissitudes, the Morales family met in Bucaramanga; Luis Gustavo, the Master, worked in various trades to support his brothers in the midst of the crisis that overwhelmed them.

The income was insufficient, it was necessary to redouble his efforts to obtain bread, he worked from early in the morning, during the day and part of the night, but in the midst of so many occupations, he suddenly made a turn in his work and turned his attention to the countryside, to agricultural production, which was not going through its best moment either.

He experimented with beekeeping, a profession to which he devoted all his efforts (even after starting his missionary work), traveling through forests and countryside in search of the best bee and nectar areas. Thus he arrived in Guapotá, where he met Omaira Calderón, the queen of the communal province, as the locals called the most attractive woman with a natural and charming but very graceful and virtuous that just by seeing her awakened in the Master the feeling that was born with a strong attraction, is substantialized with an intense affection and crystallizes in a relationship that increasingly enlivens the flame of love; The love that obliged this clement young man to ask for the young Omaira as his wife; and for her, without delay, to accept the request of the valiant knight. They unite their wills and form a home.

As spouses they start an innovative venture in beekeeping: the classification of nectars, they create Indu Apis, a beekeeping industry producing honey, pollen, royal jelly, wax and propolis, in a house on the outskirts of the city located eight kilometers from Bucaramanga on the road leading to the border city of Cúcuta.
There Indu Apis opened its first store to the public, and although the decade of the eighties was accompanied by an economic downturn, for beekeeping it was relatively good because there were profits and the profits obtained from the sale of honeys, were reserved to finance the religious organization and everything that has to do with the diffusion of the doctrine and the deployment of missionaries and instructors worldwide.

Luis Gustavo Morales Sierra is better known by his spiritual name, Venerable Master Kelium Zeus, as creator and founder, together with his wife and son V. Master Joav Morales Calderón, of the Tao Church in Colombia. With the power of the Supreme Creator and with his suitability and talents he was able to establish one of the most humanistic and revolutionary doctrines in the social and spiritual field.


In 1980 he began his missionary work as a lecturer and medical therapist, with the virtue of healing the sick who flocked to him in search of health.

Humble, with a kind and charismatic personality, with a sharp critical sense and a high traditional culture, he captured the attention of many followers, guiding them towards the search for inner growth through conscious work on themselves.

He established a rule in which he obliged himself to leave a tape and film record of every word that came out of his mouth and of all his deeds, as he said in an intervention: the word of God is sacred and cannot be thrown to the four winds to be lost in oblivion and my good or bad deeds, it is necessary that the world knows them; maybe they can take some benefit from them.

Two years after starting his missionary work, he had three headquarters in Bucaramanga and countless disciples before whom, in one of the conferences in July 1984, he publicly declared the name and the basis of the doctrine that he had been proclaiming for four years, and a few months later, in the meeting of Saturday, February 4, 1985, he made himself known by the spiritual name of Kelium Zeus and explained its meaning: the kelium fields form the neutral force that avoids the collision between atoms; the kelium fields, in Chinese language are the same Tao that appears in the Taijitu, which is the energy that contains and separates the negative and positive forces represented in the diagram of the supreme end. To say tao and to say kelium is the same.

The Tao of the Chinese is the same Latin DEUS, the DIEU of the French, the THEOS of the Greeks, the GOD in Spanish, the TEOTL of the Aztecs, the Tao Antinsuyo of the Incas in America where we are today.

Everything is done by the Tao, everything bends in favor of the Tao and all things respond to the impulses of the Tao.

“TAO is the greatest name of God among men”.

Negative and positive interacting are the origin of all things driven by the ceaseless subtle flow of energy that maintains the natural order and harmonious functioning of all things in complete balance.

The only constant of the Tao is “change” and these changes in nature are called mutation of things; thus the Tao promotes the change of seasons, geological changes, biological and microbiological changes, etc.

The approaches constitute the mystical thought of the V. Master Kelium Zeus with a spiritual elevation of a prophet, a spiritual guide who delivers a set of interrelated and very innovative doctrines, whose main objective is to contribute to the spiritual evolution of man.

The main purpose of the Master as a messenger is to make known and spread the teachings of the Tao. He begins by talking about his own genesis and addresses the subject of the primordial essence that gave rise to the whole universe of which man is an infinitesimal replica.


In the mid-nineties, Master Kelium Zeus silenced his throat, went into a word fast and requested notebooks to write down the messages and orders to be issued to the congregation; but until that moment nobody could have imagined that the Master was preparing to deliver a system of sonorous signs so that the Taoist people could have their own natural sign language, that is, an ethnic language with defined grammatical structures determined by the basic fundamentals of Kastesakro.

Ambidextrous for signing, he could give two different commands simultaneously with each of his hands and his dactylology was very unique, creative and spiritually very productive. The Christians who had not lost their capacity of astonishment were amazed to see the doctrines signed by the hands of the Master, because one of the greatest Hebrew prophets who illustrated the supremacy, the sacredness and the ethical character of the message of God, wrote twice in the book of more elaboration and theological content than God: in the language of stammerers, and in a strange tongue he will speak to this people. And later on he refers to it again, saying: You will not see that dreadful (persecuted) people, a people of a tongue obscure to understand, of a stammering tongue that you do not understand.

For more than six years he remained almost in total silence, communicating by signs and by means of written doctrines that even some still remain unpublished, others disappeared in the raid by the authorities to the Sakro Akuarius Vegetal Temple in the year 2004.

The biography of the V. Master Kelium Zeus is recorded in the book entitled When God becomes man, told by the laureate writer Yuilvattior, Marcos F. Sanchez, the amazing story of a man of the present time that had faculties only attributed to the gods…


A single commandment:

1. Do not violate conscience



The way of teaching established by the V. Master Kelium Zeus, is the oral tradition and the didactics of teaching consists of dialogues or dissertations where the lecturer must provide the attendees with ample information on diverse topics of human and divine knowledge, as well as answer the questions of the public and resolve their concerns.

There is no pre-established theme in particular; it is an eminently practical method, where logical considerations lead to the truth; this may be one of the main attributes of this method if we take into account that the Taoist doctrine and theology are based on its postulates and not on dogmas of faith.


It is a realistic drama with a complex content represented through a process in the form of a syllogism to invite the protagonist as well as the spectator to a reflection about what happened in their lives, so that each one can extract a teaching, a learning and correct the mistake by modifying their behavior.

Many addictions, limitations and bad habits are engraved in the subconscious of people and are repeated automatically and recurrently, in such a way that they can become chronic diseases of the mind whose pathological characteristic is to seek relief through the use of a substance or inappropriate behaviors.

When a monk presented a convoluted episode or perhaps had had an inappropriate behavior in life as a human being, the Master proposed a dramaturgy that included prayers, exercises, tours, prayers to help the person to make a chromosomal and genetic reprogramming.

Among the most outstanding works of cosmic dramaturgy are:

The Tao Path.
Kajila Gamín
Beggar Har
Sack work and silicon.
The Temple of Cosmic Breathing


Orientation to the family.
Vegetarian nutrition.
The muleteer of souls.
The psychological country of Nos.
Universal cosmic consciousness.
The catholic church.
The cup of wrath.
The world is not going to end.
Prayers to the Dragons of creation.


Ritual of welcome to the day.
Ritual of feeding.


They are ordinances established by the master since the dawn of the doctrine, are contained in a set of rules and preventive measures designed to maintain control of risk factors from pathogens, biological, physical or chemical agents, achieving the prevention of harmful impacts against risks inherent in daily activity.
The objective is as far as possible to be far away from dangers, to minimize risks, that the person does not suffer damages due to contagion in pandemics, biological or bacteriological wars.

This encompasses natural habitats, group activity, daily activities and teamwork, etc.
These include: organic food, disinfection of food, utensils and tableware.

Greeting: Reverential greeting. Shaking hands is not a greeting.

Clothes: wool fabrics, cotton vegetable fiber. Synthetic clothes are not used.
See biosecurity protocols of the Tao Church.

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Sakroakuario Vegetal Temple

