Postulates of Taoism

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Postulates of Taoism


The postulates of Taoism are the following:
Three universal forces: negative, positive and neutral, complementarity, duality, relativity, etc.
All objects or phenomena in the universe are configured by two opposing aspects, but indissoluble and interdependent, which complement each other and are governed by a series of principles.
Everything has its opposite, although this is not absolute but relative, since nothing is completely negative or completely positive. On a cloudy and cold day, the sun can come out and on a sunny day it can rain and be cold.
The negative could not exist without the positive.
Mentioning the night implies recognizing the existence of the day and vice versa.
The high exists because the low exists, the hard exists because the soft exists….
Positive-negative, day-night, expiration-inspiration, heat-cold, male-female….
Every negative or positive aspect can be further subdivided into negative and positive indefinitely; on dry days it can be hot, and at the same time that heat can be temperate or burning.
The universe is in constant movement, nothing remains fixed, thus one aspect grows and another decreases maintaining an equilibrium or appearing an imbalance in which one is transformed into the other.
Positive and negative are opposites or inverses and interdependent and are also expression and consequence of a fluctuating balance, it is indispensable that if one of them grows the other decreases. Otherwise we would not be in the presence of a dynamic equilibrium, but of its progression, either positive or negative, beyond all control.
Negative and positive can be transformed, the same law expresses the fundamental of change, it synthesizes the mutation, the emergence of a different and new phenomenon following another.
Both theological and philosophical duality agree on two supreme, irreducible, independent and antagonistic principles governed by essentially distinct orders of being, with a certain radicalism.
It has to do with the location of physical events, both in time and space, which are relative and nothing is absolute, including the law of relativity itself.
the postulates of Taoism are the principles on which the sages have based themselves since ancient times and regardless of the geographical and cultural position where they resided; it is as if they had seen through the same magnifying glass their scientific advances and although their discoveries were originally their own; the formulations are characteristically Taoist.

V. Master Avner and V. Master Aphrodite